
6 Tips for Improving User Experience for Your Software

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is developing systems that win users over. If the software is too complicated, ineffective, time-consuming, or disorganized, it could turn potential customers away. Whether you’re creating your first program or looking to develop a better one, here are simple ways to improve your software’s user experience.

How to Improve Your Software's User Experience

1. Understand Your Users' Level of Knowledge

People have different levels of knowledge and capabilities when using apps and websites. That’s why it’s important to understand the needs and abilities of varied users and consider these when developing your custom software.

Similarly, they often use multiple devices and prefer systems that work consistently across all of them. So whether it’s desktop, laptop, tablets, or mobile, ensure that your product runs smoothly on all possible gadgets.  

2. Make it Easy to Install or Sign Up 

Installation and account creation are your primary encounters with clients. To make a good first impression, you have to make these processes simple and convenient. Be sure to only ask for user information that you absolutely need. Otherwise, if the process becomes too long or complicated, users might just move on to your competitor.  

3. Keep the Design Simple

Your design should be simple and visually engaging to help users understand where they are and make it easy for them to navigate within the software.  

Keep your pages uncluttered so users can conveniently find the information they need. If you’re giving instructions or sharing details, stick to having three to four important points on the screen at a time, so they’ll know what to do and understand what you’re trying to convey at a glance. If you want to incorporate design trends, make sure the end design remains intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly.

It’s also important to include only the functions that are actually needed. Take advantage of icons and images that are already familiar to users. If you want to integrate your brand’s design into the visual cues, make sure these are still recognizable. 

4. Go for Fewer Clicks

Users find it important to get things done quickly and efficiently. Thus, it’s best to offer them keyboard shortcuts, keep tab orders properly set up, and make common actions accessible. For example, if your CTA is to get customers to check your online shop or to leave their email addresses, make sure they’re able to follow this in as few clicks as possible.  

man using smartphone

5. Create Simple Troubleshooting Tips 

If users encounter errors, it’s vital that they know the cause and how to handle them. That’s why error handling messages should detail what could have gone wrong. More importantly, these should explain how users can troubleshoot the error themselves or offer options to contact the support team. What’s essential is that end users or administrators can resolve the issue and keep the software running.

6. Make it Convenient to Update and Uninstall

Software developers continuously enhance your software to ensure that bugs are fixed and it remains reliable. And you’ll want users to benefit from that. As such, encourage people to enable the updates by making the process quick and simple.

Although you don’t want users to uninstall your software, some may choose to do so. When they do, you can make a positive last impression by making the removal process fast and stress-free for them.

Operating systems that are easy to understand, intuitive, and efficient will help drive positive results for your business. With these six steps, your software can work seamlessly with underlying structures and become an effective means for users to accomplish what you want them to.

Contact LSM today to learn more about user-friendly software solutions.