
How to Access Mobile-Only Photo Apps on Your Computer

September 22, 2014

. One of those platforms, WordSwag, was a mobile-only app, and we wondered whether we could access the app on a computer using Bluestacks. Sadly, we discovered that WorSwag (and other apps exclusive to the apple app store) were not available on BlueStacks, but we did find some very useful alternatives. Here are our findings:


Installing Bluestacks

We've talked about Bluestacks before as program
for Mac users. Once you've downloaded the program, you can download apps similar to the way you would on a mobile device:

BlueStacks App Guide
Download menu on Bluestacks

After installing BlueStacks, we tested the following programs:


Although there is a free version of this app available, most will probably not find useful - anything created in the free version comes with a large watermark. That being said, the app only costs a one time fee of $1.00, so it's not exactly going to break the bank.


instawisdom example
instawisdom trial


Kudos to
for pointing this app out. If you're willing to find (or come up with) your own quote, TextGram (by Codeadore) provides a far better free experience. The great thing about this app is that it automatically selects an appropriate font, size, and placement for any given background. You are free to change these, but this is a welcome feature for those of us who aren't so artistically inclined. There's even a handy little "randomize" feature that will choose a background for you at random if you're feeling particularly uninspired.


textgram interface

Overall, we'd say that TextGram is a real winner for creating simple quotes, and will make a great addition to your photo arsenal. If you want the convenience of a pre-loaded quote library, it might be worth paying for the premium InstaWisdom app. For anything more than quotes, you'll probably want to stick with
. Whatever you do, don't leave your poor blog hanging with no images.

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