
Marketing for New Businesses

January 4, 2023

Starting from the beginning is complicated, with a new business you essentially have to create a brand identity alongside marketing strategies. When it comes to marketing you may be wondering, ‘What should my website look like?’ or ‘How can we market our social media accounts?’ The main goal of marketing your new business is to establish a customer base as well as establish tone and branding. 

Within this guide, we will give you different strategies to start marketing strategies for your new business. Be aware that results are not instantaneous and it may take some time for you to see results. Although, over time you will start to see strong and successful results.

Brand Identity 

computer screen with branding all over it

Before you dive into building your social media, website, or other marketing materials you need to build your brand’s identity. The main important pieces of branding include fonts, color schemes, logos, and even photos. 

Try to avoid using a variety of different fonts or colors, keeping consistent will establish to the customers who you are and what your brand represents. Create a strong identity and continue to use it in order to be recognizable and memorable with customers, you can always update things like logos or fonts in the future once your brand grows, but it is best to stay simple and consistent when you are first starting out. 

When trying to launch your own website, you may struggle with website design or building a website on your own. Especially if you are a start-up you may not have all the tools or assets to start building a website that works for you but by hiring an agency such as LSM to build your website, you can take the stress of having to build an eye-catching website on your own. 

Social Media Marketing

woman taking pictures for social media marketing

When deciding to market your company on social media, it is good to set realistic goals for how you will use social media platforms to market your company. Every brand and business is different, and depending on your business model, you might have to develop different strategies. For example, if you are a B2B you might find more success highlighting testimonials from previous businesses you have worked with. Whereas B2C social media can include things like influencer marketing or customer reviews. 

Of course, social media is a great tool to help reach a wider audience, but making sure your social content is engaging and impactful is the major key to success. Test out different strategies like having Instagram reels and static content to see what posts get the most engagement and what your audience responds to. Hashtag research is also very detrimental to appearing in people’s social feeds when they are looking for specific content. 

In the beginning, it will be difficult to build up social engagement and gain organic followers, which is why you should look at competitors' social media accounts and develop a strategy that elevates what your competition is doing. 

Online Advertisements

online ecommerce advertising

The best way to put your name out there is to pay to advertise your business online because you can narrow down and target your ideal demographic. When you pay to have Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, or even social media advertisements you can target a specific audience using different data. Being more precise in your advertising helps you gain a lot more customers which will generate word-of-mouth advertising. 

Despite being a new business does not mean that you should ignore email marketing strategies. It is more beneficial to do email marketing as a new brand to help promote your business to new leads/clients. Email marketing may seem difficult at first, but the more you build upon your brand and marketing strategies, the more your email campaigns will showcase strong results. 

There are different software you can use to send out your emails, such as Mailchimp so that you can reach a wide audience and establish your brand to new users.

Marketing has a lot of moving parts, and when you are just starting out as a new business it can feel iffy to want to invest a lot of money into your marketing strategies. Keep in mind that marketing is very important to spread awareness of who you are and what your business has to offer customers. Marketing is a good investment that can produce amazing results the more you put into it and the longer you keep up your strategies. 

If you feel as though your team is not equipped to handle your marketing strategies, then hiring a digital marketing agency like LSM will help take the stress off of your plate. From social media to email marketing, LSM is equipped to handle a variety of marketing strategies and campaigns to help fully optimize your branding and brand awareness. If you're interested in utilizing our expertise in digital marketing strategies for your business, book a free consultation with LSM today!