
Can Website Design Boost Profit for Your Business?

January 30, 2023

From Color theory to Font designs, design surrounds our day-to-day life and impacts how we view and make assumptions about messages being graphically represented. So does having a website that focuses on a variety of design elements affect your business? The answer is not so simple since designing a website has a wide range of different aspects. Additionally, the way in which people view and process designs differ from one person to another.

However, it is good and beneficial to your business to think about a design that will effectively and efficiently present your company’s goals, goods and services, and customer service in an easily digestible way for audiences to understand. In this blog, we will go over the various ways that website design can benefit and boost your business to get the most out of your unique website design. 

Website Navigation

Website design graphic of earth with different navigational icons

Navigation is one of the most important aspects of your website’s functionality and design since it allows users to be able to find different elements of where they want to go. Having a clean design is important for users to be able to find the different navigational pages, having clear indicators of buttons to click on is key to visually showcasing different website elements.

Also, keep in mind that font can play a big part in this too since there are fonts that can make navigational buttons or pages difficult to read. 

Making sure that the home page is easily accessible for people to find their way back to is one of the main design elements to keep in mind. Test running your website to be sure that all buttons or subheadings are easy to manage and navigate is something to keep in mind, you don’t want your potential customers to get overwhelmed or lost when searching through your website. 

If your website has more complex searches and needs for portals or hubs, it is best to have a unique website design for your custom software that is capable of having a balance of strong design elements and functionality. Hiring an agency like LSM is beneficial to make sure maintenance, design, and custom software are all running in harmony with your website. 

Mobile Optimization

A majority of searching and internet browsing has shifted over to mobile phones rather than desktops. A lot of businesses tend to focus more on the desktop version of their website that they forget about optimizing it to be accessible and visually appealing to mobile users. 

Mobile users will quickly turn away from your website if they have to zoom in or do anything complicated to view or access your website’s content. Additionally, your mobile website should be optimized to load quickly to save users from the frustration of a slow loading website. Responsive Web Design is the best way to assure that no matter if a user is on their laptop, phone, or even smartwatch that they can easily see and access your website. Having more options for people to view your website gives your business more opportunities to gain more business and traction to your online properties. 

Search Engine Optimization Ranking

search engine optimization search bar

Your website design actually affects your appearance on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Not only does utilizing search engine optimization (SEO) keywords and strategy affect your website’s search page results, but the health and design of your website plays a huge part in how you rank in search engines. 

Google and other search engine algorithms are designed to put the most trustworthy and functioning websites on top of audiences' result pages when they search for specific keywords. If your website has any technical errors, is mobile optimized, and has functional internal links. Search bots need to be able to read and access all the content on your website for them to determine how functional and relevant your content is to searchers. 

Make sure your website has a lot of internal links spread across the platform so search engines can better navigate and comprehend your website’s content. While a majority of people heavily focus on making sure their content is SEO optimized with keywords and content spread throughout their website, they can miss out on the fact that their website is not up to search engine standards to rank higher on search result pages. 

Be sure to regularly check your technical SEO and website health and do any necessary maintenance to get your website to rank higher on search engine pages and start building traffic and volume to your business.

Branding and Consistency

Website design is one of the most important ways to showcase to your customers your branding and brand identity. Through a variety of different aspects like logos, color schemes, fonts, and even copy tone, your website design gets your customers familiar with your business as a brand. Of course, your product and services are the main point of selling for customers, but selling your business as a brand can build a strong brand authority by offering more content or useful tools to customers.

Things such as blogs can help be informative to new or preexisting customers, having pages with testimonials and reviews, and even social media accounts can provide information, insight, and incentive for customers to be able to recognize and trust your brand. Having a website design that is consistent and unique to the customer makes them more likely to interact and invest their digital time with your business. 

About 48% of customers believe that website design is the main factor in judging a business’s credibility. While business owners can use templates for their website designs, having put in the effort and time to have a unique and customized website will allow your website to stick out from competitors and be memorable for customers. 

When thinking about custom website design, you have to think of it as an experience for customers, think about the value and takeaways they will get from how your home page or even FAQ page is set up. By making your website an experience, more people will have an interest in staying on your website to know more about your company, products, or services. 

Keeping your website consistent means you have design elements and functionality that are kept up throughout the entire website. Establishing a color pallet, format of web pages, and have a style guide, it makes it easier to design a website just to follow an already established brand style guide. 


people working on website design pointing at computer screen

How you design your website can determine how you can communicate with your customers. Strong website design should be able to properly communicate your goals and objectives to audiences. Of course, having a customer support or ‘Need Help?’ page helps customers directly communicate with your team for any errors or questions, but the overall design of the website can speak your branding, mission statements, history, and goals to customers. 

The strategy is to find a good balance between being informative without being an information overload for visitors. Separating different pages to showcase information is key to keeping your website concise and organized. 

Have different ways to contact your business on your website, so visitors can resolve any issues directly via email, phone, or even fax. Each business is different and some websites have a direct chat where visitors can text a representative directly. 

Allowing for customers to be able to feel satisfied with the service and customer care available on your website, you can get a stream of new clients based off of word of mouth advertising and positive feedback. This builds a relationship with your customers and clients as they can confidently recommend your service/product to others and know that they are getting the same care and attention.

You can also get customer feedback on how they perceive and feel about elements of your website's design and maybe update the elements that a majority of clients' feedback maybe be more negative towards. It may seem like website design has nothing to do with the customer experience and feedback, but it has everything to do with conveying a message and offering the customer a positive and immersive experience while they learn more about your product or service.

Generate Data

With an influx of traffic to your website, you can gather more valuable data to better understand your customers and demographic. Having a clean and reputable website will increase your volume of visitors and you can view data on how real clients and customers interact with your website to take note of areas to improve upon, develop new marketing strategies, or just get a better understanding of your overall target demographic. 

You can map out the customer’s journey and be able to see how your website leads them down a rabbit hole of learning more information about your business and gaining an interest in using/purchasing your product. By viewing this data you can see if some web pages are lacking in elements that attract visitors and users and map out a new strategy to improve it in order to keep customer engagement and make them stay on your website longer. 

For marketing purposes, understand who, what, and why your customers are interested in your business and how you can generate content that is more relevant to them. Factors such as gender, age, and location are good identifying factors of how you can narrow down your marketing strategies to be more specific to these specific demographics. You can generate targeted digital advertisements, use a specific tone of copy, and understand what kind of content your customers want to see by narrowing down on these demographics. 

Data is important in business and your website can easily track user data and give you a better understanding of how to optimize your business. The better the website, the longer people want to stay, and the more data you collect and research in order to increase your business's chances to boost revenue. 

Influences Customer’s Opinions of Your Business

woman on phone and laptop smiling at the website design shes looking at

How you present your business to the world wide web is how people can get to formulate opinions on if they should use your product or services. Strong and accessible website design is what is going to play a huge role in influencing opinions out of prospective customers. A website's main purpose is to have functionality and information about your business/company, but the way you design your website and have it set up can affect the perception of who your business is.

Investing your time and energy into having a flawless design that creates an immersive experience on your website is a strategic way to boost revenue and the customer experience in your digital space. Invest and study all the best benefits and ways you can optimize your website to have portals, hubs, tabs, and a homepage that is uniquely yours. A website is a big investment, so if you are not confident about constructing your own customized website that can meet your needs and wants, try investing in a digital marketing agency like LSM to fully optimize your business's online presence.

LSM is here to help you find the right design and unique software to assure your business’ website is mobile optimized, matches your branding, is functional and easily accessible for any employees or visitors to navigate. We also offer a full scope of other marketing services to help boost your business even more!

From social media management to email marketing, LSM is equipped to handle a variety of digital marketing strategies, content creation, branding, or website design and development. If you're interested in utilizing our expertise in digital marketing strategies for your business, book a free consultation with LSM today.