
5 Digital Marketing Tips for E-commerce Businesses

Today, many successful businesses are born, raised, and thriving in the digital landscape, earning millions despite not having brick-and-mortar stores. Even brands with physical shops are now turning to e-commerce to boost brand awareness.

With the right strategy, a company can reach prospective customers and generate more sales with just one click. If e-commerce marketing is still not a priority for you, you're missing out on tons of opportunities that can take your business to the next level.

What is E-Commerce Marketing? 

E-commerce marketing is the process of spreading awareness about a brand's offerings to increase sales. It's like traditional marketing but takes place on the internet through content, ads, email campaigns, search engines, and social media sites. 

Every business uses varied approaches to drive traffic to its e-commerce site and create a loyal, engaged customer base. Capturing the attention of your target market may look simple. Long-term success, however, doesn't come easy.

Expect a lot of challenges as you figure out the best e-commerce strategies for your store. Low conversion rates, shopping cart abandonment, and dealing with refunds are just some issues entrepreneurs encounter as their online businesses grow. It's all part of the process! Just find the best approaches that can give your business the highest ROI.

Website marketing analytics dashboard laptop

And on that note…

1. Monetize Your Email List

Although overshadowed by the popularity of social media, email marketing is still an effective strategy that can boost revenue and increase customer loyalty for online businesses. In fact, its ROI is perhaps the highest of all types of online marketing. The keys to success? Well-written personalized messages to the correct prospects, good sequencing, segmented lists, and meticulous attention to metrics.

Apart from newsletters, reach out to existing and potential customers about limited-time discounts and exclusive offers. In the end, don't forget to include an appealing call-to-action statement to entice them to take the next step.

Keep in mind this one important rule: Always provide value first. Rather than using email marketing to hard sell, first try to solve your subscribers' problems, and then ask for the sale.

2. Share User-Generated Reviews

User-generated content (UGC) is social media posts shared by customers to promote a product or service. It may come in the form of videos, images, written content, reviews, or even a mere mention in a vlog or podcast. UGC can also serve as social proof, encouraging people to trust your brand and click that checkout button.

UGC hold more sway than sponsored content, as it’s more authentic and can quickly influence people's buying decisions. It's basically a word-of-mouth recommendation — your current customers vouching for your brand's credibility. Utilize the power of Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and other social media platforms by running contests and encouraging customer feedback while using a memorable hashtag. If successful, you'll have lots of content that you can later use as marketing collateral.

Two females taking a video tiktok digital marketing strategy

3. Use Landing Pages

A landing page is created specifically for a marketing or promotional campaign. Once visitors land on this page, they are persuaded to read through the details and, in the end, take a particular action, like submitting their contact details to download an e-book or buy a product.

For e-commerce businesses, landing pages only have one purpose: to encourage customers to buy. Create an e-commerce landing page to offer something of great value to your audience. Focus on its overall design to keep people on the page longer—from a logical layout and thorough product information to the concise copy and attention-grabbing CTA. Make sure that everything on the land page is specific to that CTA. Some brands will even remove the main navigation from their LPs so as not to disturb the user.

4. Optimize Your Content for SEO

Optimizing your e-commerce store based on the latest search engine optimization (SEO) standards means making it more visible to search engines and potential customers. The goal here is not only to rank higher in SERPs but to provide sufficient, elaborate information about your products.

With buyer intent in mind, figure out the best keywords to target your product pages and blog posts around. The more keyword-rich, quality content you publish on your site regularly, the higher your rankings will be and the more credible you will become in the eyes of prospective and current customers.

5. Optimize Your Site for Mobile

Optimize your e-commerce store for mobile to make it accessible anytime, anywhere. Today, more and more people are online shopping through their handheld and wearable devices, affirming the importance of a mobile-first approach. In fact, the number of people doing online shopping from their phone might be more than 50%. Essentially, your e-commerce store should look great and stay functional, even on smaller screens. 

Choose a mobile-responsive theme, preferably a single-column layout with clickable call-to-action buttons. When it comes to mobile user experience, the simpler the design, the better. Moreover, be careful when adding images, as they can overlap and cause other issues when loading from mobile devices. If your e-commerce website is showing these signs, it’s high time for a redesign.

A person using their phone and laptop working on marketing strategy

E-Commerce Marketing: Make Purchasing Easier for Customers

Overnight e-commerce success is impossible even with the help of the internet! However, implementing effective strategies can captivate audiences and highlight your credibility and enormous potential. If you're not pursuing this avenue of marketing and selling, then you're leaving money on the table. Whatever strategy you choose, focus on making buying easier for customers. Having a mobile-friendly site, being highly visible online, and effectively communicating with your target market will undoubtedly accelerate your business's growth.

Ready to scale your e-commerce business with stellar digital marketing? With a track record of award-winning creative content and data-driven strategies, LSM offers digital marketing expertise that can help your business reach its potential. Let us do all the heavy lifting for you.

Contact us today for a free consultation!